Thursday, December 17, 2009

stellastarr* / The Postelles at Bowery Ballroom

The Postelles


I think this is the last concert I'll photograph with my Canon 30D. It's time to move on to the
Canon 5D Mark II. (I'll have to sell my 30D to recoup the hit on the bank account, even if I won't get that much.) Good-bye friend.

Taken for House List.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pissed Jeans / Yellow Tears at WBAR

Just hanging with the dudes, taking their pictures and stuff.
Pissed Jeans (top) and Yellow Tears (below) played a WBAR Barnard College Radio show last night. It got pretty raucous, as it usually does for any Pissed Jeans shows. I was afraid the Lerner security personnel, who ominously stared down at us from the stairwell, was going to pull the plug on the show. (Lerner Party Space is in the basement level.) Luckily, they didn't! Eli's band Old Men opened.

For the entire set, go here.

(Jamie, I think time to time, for a long while, I'll bring up the concert conflict of Mew at Webster Hall vs. Pissed Jeans here... but I'm glad I chose the latter.)