Team Robespierre | iHeartComix Showcase @ Music Hall of Williamsburg
Shout Out Out Out Out | iHeartComix Showcase @ Music Hall of Williamsburg
An Albatross | Panache Showcase @ Knitting Factory
Jay Reatard @ Bowery Ballroom
Matt of Matt + Kim | iHeartComix Showcase @ Music Hall of Williamsburg He was doing a show-and-tell of a friend's childhood Teenage Ninja Turtle drawings.
Totally Michael | iHeartComix Showcase @ Music Hall of Williamsburg
Japanese Motors @ Bowery Ballroom
Aids Wolf | Panache Showcase @ Knitting Factory
Hearts Revolution | iHeartComix Showcase @ Music Hall of Williamsburg
Ninjasonik | iHeartComix Showcase @ Music Hall of Williamsburg
So I haven't shot in a while. But I promise that some photographs will come out of CMJ week (Oct 21-25). I haven't seen any standout, must-see showcases or shows; I think this marathon, for once, will be devoted to seeing friends' showcases.
Anyway, I wanted to bring this photo (click on it for the entire set) from the vault because No Age just played on TV but got "censored." Either Randy or Dean wanted to wear an Obama shirt, but that would have violated an equal air time rule (law?).