The following three (four) images are my favorite from the past evening at Webster Hall because:

Kele: It's hard to get a good guitar face photo without, you know, the O face.

Matt: Only with a burst of shooting can you capture pout to primal scream! (Okay, it's not the most "primal" of primal rock musician screams.)

Russell: This is a rather static shot, but I find something extremely appealing about the lines of light and the colors. And I like Russell's hair.
[Gordon: He didn't play the show, but at home with his new baby.]
On a more informative note, the lighting surprisingly bright but erratic. Thus, some photos were really blown out, and others underexposed. You can see the variance in the full set (
here). It was sufficient to use only the Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8. I think some of the darker photos work--- I've always had an appreciation for chiaroscuro.
Taken for
'Sup Mag.